ENGLISH (original)
わたしのヒーリング・タッチの初めての患者の一人は、交通事故にあった女性でした。彼女は、ひどいむち打ちを患い、首の痛みのために長時間仕事をすることができませんでした。そこでわたしに、ヒーリング・タッチでの治療を試して欲しいと言ってきたのでした。彼女は弱っていてほとんど動くことができなかったので、彼女の家にヒーリング・タッチの治療をしに行きました。彼女の寝室は狭く、ベッドの横には彼女の飼っているとても大きな犬のための布団がありました。彼女のベッドの高さは、ヒーリング・タッチをするのには、適当ではありませんでした。体をなでたり、エネルギー・ポイントをつなぐ手助けをするために、腰をかがめて苦しい 体制をとらなくてはなりませんでした。看護職として、常に目を開けているように指導されてはいましたが、集中する余り、わたしは目を閉じてしまいました。まもなく、彼女がとても深い呼吸をしているのが聞こえてきました。かなり大きな音だったのです。とても満足でした。彼女がとてもリラックスしていたので、自分のしていることが効果をあげていると思ったのです。彼女の穏やかな顔を思い浮かべつつ目を開けました。ところが、彼女はわたしを見つめていたのでした!!ふと下を見ると、彼女の犬がとてもリラックスしていました。深い呼吸音はそこから来ていたのです。二人とも大笑いでした。ヒーリング・タッチでは、成果にこだわらないことの重要性が強調されます。そのプロセスから自分のエゴを切り離すことが大切なのです。
(訳:聖路加看護大学21世紀COEプログラムリサーチコーディネーター 東 千恵子)
My nursing career began in 1963 before computers and digital cameras. It was before MRI and CAT. But, it was not before caring and compassion. Even though I loved learning about Pathophysiology and health assessment, and I felt very competent doing mental status examinations on psychiatric emergency patients in the emergency room, what has engaged me the most has been healing touch. Healing touch has given me a strong, deep, and enduring framework for the practice of nursing. The attitude of healing touch reminds me of what I learned about The Tea Ceremony values of: Wa (harmony), Kei (reverence), Sei (purity), and Jaku (tranquility). This attitude brings me back to caring and compassion and provides a unique way for me to manifest those values.
One of my first healing touch patients was a woman who had been in an auto accident. She suffered a severe whiplash injury and was unable to work full time because of her neck pain. She asked me if she could try healing touch treatments. I went to her home to give her a healing touch treatment because she had so little energy for mobility. Her bedroom was small and next to her bed was a futon for her very large dog. Her bed was not the right height for me to do healing touch easily. I had to bend down in an uncomfortable position to do the sweeping motions as well as to help connect the energy points on her body. Although as practitioners, we are taught to keep our eyes open, my eyes had fallen shut from my concentration. Soon I could hear her breathing very deeply, it was quite audible. I was so pleased. I thought I am doing a good job because she is so relaxed. I opened my eyes expecting to see her serene face. Instead, she was looking at me!! I happened to look down, and realized that her dog had become very relaxed and was the source of the heavy breathing. We had such a good laugh. Healing touch emphasizes the importance of not being attached to the outcome. It is important to keep one's ego out of the process.
The nature of the energy that we live in and that surrounds us is that we can charge it with a positive dimension. Those around us can sense that positive feeling in some way. Therefore it matters what we think even when we have not expressed ourselves. In nursing whether it is the areas of clinical, teaching, or administration we each have a responsibility to create the positive atmosphere for each other, our students, our patients, and ourselves. We each have a responsibility to ask: how can I help this person learn, how can I help this person reach a higher potential. These are the questions leading to an expanded state of health. These are the questions we ask coming from the position of caring and compassion. What I've learned is that humor is a great vehicle for this process.
When we requested Prof. Porter to write an essay for the Kango-net, she gave us two essays, one for the general public and the other for health practitioners. Though we usually post one essay at a time, two essays are posted as they both are extraordinary.
Almost all nursing takes place within the boundaries of an organization, large or small. While most of our nursing education focuses on our nursing care, very little of our education teaches us about: the influence of the organization on our care, our influence on the organization, and what kind of a relationship should we have with the organization. I took nursing leadership in school, but I was not too interested in that class at that point in my career. Only later did I realize the enormous impact the organization has on our lives and the lives of our patients.
I have been fascinated by the way organizations are organized and how that affects us as nurses and affects our patients. My first experience with hospital organization was within the year after I graduated from nursing school. I worked for a state-run mental institution. The organization had recently reorganized itself going from a "back-ward" structure where the patients sat all day receiving only basic physical care, to a therapeutic community where patients had a voice in their own governance and day-to-day activities. Moreover instead of the doctors giving orders and then leaving the ward, they started including the nurses and aides in the treatment decisions. Nurses, doctors, and patients all attended meetings together to make decisions about the rules and activities of the unit. Roles become blurred. The new focus was on who had the skill or talent rather than one's job title. This new structure produced a democratic process. The patients began to take some interest in their own welfare. Nurses were able to share valuable information with the doctors. Together they devised treatment plans that were more suited to the patients needs. I found this organization inspiring and exciting.
Organizations that are structured in a hierarchy with a clear process for the "chain of command" have an advantage of efficiently implementing day- to-day work. The roles and responsibilities are usually clearly defined. Expectations of the employer can be documented so that nurses are able to fulfill their role without strain. However, this structure can easily take advantage of the hierarchy to dominate its employees and the weakness is that valuable employee opinion and information never reaches the higher-level supervisors. The supervisors become caught in trying to run the organization from only their own perspective. Staff nurses become disconnected from the higher levels of management, and develop a thin level of commitment to the organization. A sense of community is lost and human resources are wasted. In academic institutions with this structure it is easy for subjects to become disconnected. The curriculum never "talks to itself". Without an evaluation structure that ties in organizational expectations with role performance, faculty drift off course without even knowing it. It leaves one with a vague sense of dissatisfaction. Therefore, employees in a hierarchical organization need to work carefully to make sure there are structures for their voice to be heard and then voice their opinion. Linkages between departments and curriculum elements must be deliberately built.
Organizations that are flat, that is authority is spread out among employees not concentrated at the top, are in a good position to respond to change and innovation. Smaller units of control can move more quickly to alter procedures. Increasing employee input means that more ideas are brought into the organization enriching the operating database. The therapeutic community is an example of a flatter organization. It is important to know what type of organizational structure suits your personality as well as your own nursing mission. It is most rewarding when your mission and the organization's mission are closely aligned.